Nurit's Thesis Proposal at the McGill University
In 1995 I moved together with my family from Seattle to Montreal due to my husband's work.
Being an architect who graduated from the Technion I took the opportunity and started my graduate studies in the "affordable housing" program at the McGill university.
While studying, I realized I am being highly drawn to a new concept at that time called "sustainable communities".
As an Israeli and an immigrant who lived in North America for several years
at that time I had the ability to compare between those two different livestyles since I've experienced them both.
I felt I really wanted to jump in and investigate that topic.
Here is the proposal of my thesis that even today 22 years later is still so relevant.
Unfortunately, I never completed the thesis itself
since I was pregnant with our younger son. He is the one who recently discovered the hard copy of my thesis proposal in our storage room
He insisted (and helped me) type it in and post it on the family website that he has created.
For me it is exciting and a nice closure of a "circle" that included also the disappointment of a dream that I never managed to complete.
The Amazing Story of My Father's Cancer Survival
In 1988 my father Albert Farchi was diagnosed with melanoma cancer stage 4+
My mother died a few years earlier in a tragic car accident.
when my brother and I realized that our father had only a few months to live, we looked all over for help.
At that time, Google did not exist and neither did the internet.
We asked around and luckily met an Israeli man in his 40's who, a few months earlier, recovered from terminal
liver cancer by making a major change in his lifestyle. This change was led by program invented by an institute called
"Hippocrates Health Institute".
Four days after that meeting - my father and I arrived at that institute in West Palm Beach, Florida.
My father followed their program very strictly and continued visiting the institute several times in the following years.
My father was considered a "medical miracle" by his physicians in Israel. None of them could explain how he managed to live 23 full years when their prognosis was 6-12 months.
Personally, I have continued to visit the Hippocrates Health Institute, even after my father passed away, as it grew and offered many more treatments, activities and great gourmet raw food.
I wrote this article for one of their newsletters almost 30 years after my first visit there with my father.
It was important for me to share my fathers survival story.
A "survival" that held for over 20 years.
My father died at the age of 91 and a half. He did not die from cancer.
Read the introduction in Hebrew